Optimization - the continuous search for maximum
Providing production engineers with a live feed of production enhancing opportunities, that would otherwise have gone unnoticed.
Our proprietary optimization algorithm combines the data-driven prediction models with production system and well constraints. This enables automated optimization capabilities by providing engineers with a live feed of production enhancing opportunities, that would otherwise have gone unnoticed. The system advices on how to set choke valves and pump speed, allocate gas lift, route wells, etc. to optimally utilize the production system bottlenecks, and thereby increase production throughput.
A key point is the use of data-driven models rather than conventional simulators.
This is made possible by exploiting the continuously and automatically calibrated prediction models, while also intentionally exploring carefully designed operational changes in the vicinity of the current production settings, ensuring optimal learning and prediction of optimal settings.
ProductionCompass’ visualizations and suggestions are provided to users through a web interface that focuses on availability, low maintenance, user-friendliness and cut-to-the-chase problem solving. It is designed for and available on desktop, tablets and smartphones.